How To Tell if a Gem Is Natural or Synthetic - Brazil Gems

How To Tell if a Gem Is Natural or Synthetic

How can you tell if a gem is natural or synthetic? Both kinds have their own appeal, but if the seller isn’t being straight with you, steer clear.
What Gemstones Come From Brazil? - Brazil Gems

What Gemstones Come From Brazil?

What gemstones come from Brazil? First famous for emeralds, gold, and amethysts, this resource-blessed country boasts a varied rainbow of riches.
The Importance of Knowing Where Gemstones Come From - Brazil Gems

The Importance of Knowing Where Gemstones Come From

You should be confident that your purchase was responsibly sourced. It’s important to know where gemstones come from so you can support an ethical business.
Ways To Use Natural Elements in Your Décor - Brazil Gems

Ways To Use Natural Elements in Your Décor

Organic features from the outdoors are adding dramatic style to homes and offices. Try a few of these ways to use natural elements in your décor.
Gemstones: Meaning, Symbolism, Legend, & Lore - Brazil Gems

Gemstones: Meaning, Symbolism, Legend, & Lore

Have you been wanting to know the meaning of gemstones? This article has an extensive list of gemstones and their meanings to help guide you to which gemstones will be best for you or as gifts to loved ones.